What is the force constant in SHM?

In this case the force can be calculated as F=-kx, where F is the restoring force, k is the force constant, and x is the displacement. The motion of a mass on a spring can be described as Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM): oscillatory motion that follows Hooke’s Law.

In this regard, What is the strain formula?

Strain is simply the measure of how much an object is stretched or deformed. Strain occurs when force is applied to an object. Strain deals mostly with the change in length of the object. Strain = Δ L L = Change in Length Original Length .

Regarding this, What is force constant and its unit?

Spring Constant or force constant is defined as the applied force if the displacement in the spring is unity. Force constant is denoted by ‘k’. Its unit is Newton/metre. Dimensionally [k] = [F]/[x] = MT-2. Force is defined as the push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change its velocity.

Beside above, What is the equation for spring force?

The spring force formula is expressed through the equation: F = – kx.

What is K in SHM? The letter K that is seen in several expression related to Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a constant. It is usually called spring or force constant (N·m–1).

16 Related Questions Answers Found

What is SI unit of strain?

The unit for strain in the SI (Système International) is “one” i.e. 1 ε= 1 = 1 m/m. In practice, the “unit” for strain is called “strain” and the symbol e is used. Usually, strain is in the order of um/m, i.e. 10–6, and therefore, the unit “µε” (microstrain) is most commonly used.

What is yield strength formula?

The stress-strain diagram for a steel rod is shown and can be described by the equation ε=0.20(1e-06)σ+0.20(1e-12)σ3 where s in kPa. Determine the yield strength assuming a 0.5% offset. Solution. (a) For 0.5% =0.005mm/mm. 5000=0.20σ+0.20(1e-6)σ3 solving for σ=2810.078kPa.

What is the formula for stress and strain?

stress = (elastic modulus) × strain. stress = (elastic modulus) × strain. As we can see from dimensional analysis of this relation, the elastic modulus has the same physical unit as stress because strain is dimensionless.

What is the value of force constant k?

The Coulomb constant, the electric force constant, or the electrostatic constant (denoted k


, k or K) is a proportionality constant in electrostatics equations. In SI units it is equal to










Coulomb constant.

Value of kUnits










What are the 7 forces?

Action-at-a-Distance Forces

  • Applied Force.
  • Gravitational Force.
  • Normal Force.
  • Frictional Force.
  • Air Resistance Force.
  • Tension Force.
  • Spring Force.

How do I calculate normal force?

The weight of an object equals the mass of the object multiplied by the acceleration of gravity. Multiply the two values together. In order to find the normal force, you need to multiply the weight of the object by the cosine of the angle of incline.

What are the five types of forces?

Types of Forces

Contact ForcesAction-at-a-Distance Forces
Frictional ForceGravitational Force
Tension ForceElectrical Force
Normal ForceMagnetic Force
Air Resistance Force

What is the period formula?

each complete oscillation, called the period, is constant. The formula for the period T of a pendulum is T = 2π Square root of√L/g, where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

How do you prove SHM?

Proving Simple Harmonic Motion

  • A particle is attached to an extensible string (the tension in string, T=λxl) and the particle is pulled so that the string is extended and released from rest. As in this diagram:
  • SHM is proved by a=−w2x.
  • R(−>)=−T=−λxl.
  • R(−>)=m(−a)
  • m(−a)=−λxl.
  • ma=λxl.
  • a=λmlx.
  • What is K in F KX?

    The proportional constant k is called the spring constant. It is a measure of the spring’s stiffness. When a spring is stretched or compressed, so that its length changes by an amount x from its equilibrium length, then it exerts a force F = -kx in a direction towards its equilibrium position.

    What is the SI unit of viscosity?

    Dynamic viscosity: The SI physical unit of dynamic viscosity (μ) is the Pascal-second (Pa s), which is identical to 1 kg m−1 s−1. The physical unit for dynamic viscosity in the centimeter gram second system of units (cgs) is the poise (P), named after Jean Poiseuille.

    What is the unit of refractive index *?

    Unit of refractive index (μ) will be the ratio of the unit of speed of light in vacuum(c) to the speed of light in the given medium(v). As you can see, the unit of refractive is 1, which means the refractive index is just a number without any unit.

    What is the SI unit of viscosity coefficient?

    SI Unit of Coefficient of Viscosity

    The coefficient of viscosity η is defined as the tangential force F required to maintain a unit velocity gradient between two parallel layers of liquid of unit area A. The SI unit of η is Newton-second per square meter (Ns. m^ – 2) or. Pascal-seconds (Pa .s)

    What is ductility formula?

    There are two measures required when calculating ductility: Elongation. The increase in the gage length of the material, being subjected to tensile forces, divided by the original gage length. The elongation is often expressed as a percentage of the original gage length.

    What is SI unit of yield strength?

    As yield strength is related to deformation which is a result of applied stress, the SI unit of yield strength is N.m–2. In CGS system, the yield strength is g.cm–2.

    What is modulus strength?

    Modulus is the force at a specific elongation value, ie 100% or 300% elongation. Expressed in pounds per square inch (psi) or megapascals (MPa), modulus is most widely used for testing and comparison purposes at 100% elongation. This is referred to as “M100” or modulus 100.

    What are the 2 major types of forces?

    Two groups of forces

    • Gravity force.
    • Magnetic force.
    • Electric force.

    What are 2 types of forces?

    There are 2 types of forces, contact forces and act at a distance force. Every day you are using forces. Force is basically push and pull. When you push and pull you are applying a force to an object.

    What are 4 types of force?

    Fundamental force, also called fundamental interaction, in physics, any of the four basic forces—gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak—that govern how objects or particles interact and how certain particles decay. All the known forces of nature can be traced to these fundamental forces.
