How many cups is 1lb broccoli?


pounds to US cups of Broccoli
1 pound=
6.39 ( 6




) US cups
2 pounds=12.8 ( 12




) US cups
4 pounds=25.6 ( 25




) US cups
5 pounds=32 ( 32 ) US cups

Also, How many cups is a crown of broccoli?

When we removed the broccoli florets from the medium head, we consistently ended up with 3 1/2 cups of veggies to use. When slicing the stems, 1 broccoli head yielded about 2 cups of stems for cooking. If you need a full pound of broccoli for your recipe, then you will need to purchase about 11/2 medium heads.

Accordingly, How many cups is 2 lbs of broccoli?

2 pounds of broccoli (flowerets) equals to 12.8 ( ~ 12 3/4 ) US cups. (*) or more precisely 12.781485580469 US cups.

How much is 8 cups of broccoli? 8 US cups of broccoli weighs 1.25 ( ~ 1 1/4) pounds. (or precisely 1.2518106678029 pounds. All values are approximate).

How much does broccoli cost?

Fresh broccoli can be priced by the “head” or it can be purchased by the pound. On average, the price can vary anywhere from as little as $1 to $4 per pound. The cost of broccoli will depend on the variety, where you live, the time of year and where you purchase it from.

21 Related Questions Answers Found

What does 1 pound of broccoli look like?

One pound of broccoli, with the stems attached, equates to three stalks, with the stems measuring no larger the an inch in width, and the crowns about the size of a closed fist.

Can you eat too much broccoli?

Health risks

In general, broccoli is safe to eat, and any side effects are not serious. The most common side effect is gas or bowel irritation, caused by broccoli’s high amounts of fiber. “All cruciferous vegetables can make you gassy,” Jarzabkowski said.

How many potatoes is 2 cups?

Vegetable Measurements for Recipes

Asparagus1 pound = 3 cups chopped
Parsnips1 pound unpeeled = 1-½ cups cooked and pureed
Peas1 pound whole = 1 to 1-½ cups shelled
1 pound

(3 medium) sliced = 2 cups mashed
Pumpkin1 pound = 4 cups chopped = 2 cups cooked and drained

How many does a pound of broccoli serve?

Depending on what you are serving with your dinner, as in a fresh salad or another vegetable, I would calculate 1 pound of broccoli per 8 persons. That figures out to 7.5 pounds of broccoli. If you think of the serving size you would get in a restaurant, it is usually two short stalks.

How many potatoes is 1 pound?

Generally, three medium russet potatoes or eight to 10 small new white potatoes equal one pound. One pound of russet potatoes equals approximately 3-1/2 cups chopped or 2 to 3 cups mashed.

How many cups is 10 oz of broccoli?

Broccoli Conversion Chart Near 10 ounces

ounces to US cups of Broccoli
10 ounces=
3.99 (4) US cups
11 ounces=4.39 (4




) US cups
12 ounces=4.79 (4




) US cups
13 ounces=5.19 (5




) US cups

How many carrots equal a cup?

Equivalent Measurements For Vegetables

IngredientApproximate Equivalent Measurements
Carrots1 cup, julienne strips
5 medium carrots
Carrots1 cup, shredded2 medium carrots
Carrots1 cup, thinly sliced3 medium carrots
Cauliflower (Fresh)3 cups1 medium head, about 2 pounds

What does 1 lb of broccoli look like?

One pound of broccoli, with the stems attached, equates to three stalks, with the stems measuring no larger the an inch in width, and the crowns about the size of a closed fist.

Why is broccoli so cheap?

Broccoli is so expensive because there’s been a huge increase in consumer demand, coupled with very unfavorable weather. Broccoli is a heat-sensitive crop, and it needs very stable weather. There’s also the fact that broccoli is a vegetable crop, which is more expensive to harvest because you need manual labor.

What is the cheapest vegetable?

1–9: Vegetables

  • Broccoli. Broccoli is a cheap vegetable with an average price of $1.64 per head, and it provides some of almost every nutrient that you need. …
  • Onions. …
  • Bagged Spinach. …
  • Russet Potatoes. …
  • Sweet Potatoes. …
  • Canned Tomatoes. …
  • Carrots. …
  • Green Cabbage.
  • Which is more expensive broccoli or cauliflower?

    As James Fitzpatrick notes in Thailand, cauliflower is twice as expensive there as broccoli. In New England that is also the case almost twice the price for cauliflower as broccoli.

    How much is 2 pounds of broccoli?

    2 pounds of broccoli (flowerets) equals to 12.8 ( ~ 12 3/4 ) US cups.

    How much is 10 oz of broccoli?

    10 ounces of broccoli equals to 3.99 ( ~ 4) US cups.

    Can I lose weight eating broccoli?

    Diet aid: Broccoli is a good carb and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Along with this, broccoli is also great for weight loss because it is rich in fiber.

    Who shouldnt eat broccoli?

    These vegetables are packed with nutrients, but they can also potentially interfere with your thyroid function. If you have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), you may have been told to avoid cruciferous vegetables — such as kale, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

    Why you shouldn’t eat raw broccoli?

    In most cases, raw broccoli is safe to enjoy with little or no risks. However, like most vegetables in the cruciferous family, both raw and cooked broccoli may cause excessive gas or bloating in some people. Broccoli may cause digestive distress, particularly in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ( 12 ).

    How much is 2 lb of potatoes?

    Two cups in a pint, So 2 pounds of potatoes is approximately 4 cups.

    How many red potatoes is 3 pounds?

    After surveying the vegetable selection we discovered that 1 pound of potatoes is equal to 3 to 4 medium white potatoes, 7 to 9 small red potatoes, or 12 to 15 new or mini potatoes.

    How many broccoli florets make a cup?

    5 broccoli florets. 6 raw baby carrots. 1/2 cup cooked green beans.
